5 Surprising Ways to Prevent Heart Disease
Cardiovascular disease accounts for one out of three deaths in the United States. The obvious culprits that fuel heart problems are high blood pressure, obesity, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, lack of exercise, and smoking. Fortunately, small lifestyle changes can help reduce your chances of heart disease while improving your overall health.
Reducing Your Risk of a Heart Attack
1. Make a dentist appointment
Brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings are surefire ways to prevent gum disease. However, did you know it can also prevent heart disease? Gum disease can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream and attach to fatty deposits in the heart blood vessels, which may lead to blood clots and heart attacks.
2. Lose belly fat
Excess belly fat increases your risk for heart disease and additional health problems. We recommend a healthy diet combined with daily exercise.
3. Sleep
Getting adequate sleep has been proven to lower adrenaline and cortisol levels. We suggest getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night.
4. Take probiotics
The collection of billions of bacteria in the GI tract strengthens and regulates inflammation. If the bacteria becomes imbalanced, your risk of heart disease increases. Fortunately, taking a probiotic daily and eating a healthy diet can regulate bacteria.
5. Seek depression treatment
Depression and heart disease are linked in many ways. Symptoms of depression can make it more difficult to take care of your health properly. Plus, it can also increase your risk of high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms. If you suffer from depression, it’s time to talk to someone who listens to your needs before prescribing a solution. Schedule an appointment with us today so you can decide if our clinic is right for you.
Schedule an Appointment with Our Utah Doctors Today
Keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure at the right levels is essential for a healthy lifestyle. At your consultation, we’ll sit down with you to discuss your concerns and your medical history. Then, we can decide on the proper course of treatment.
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